Welcome to The Athena Capital Limited where ideas create value


While we offer various portfolio strategies for direct investors we cannot possibly know or deploy all the investment styles that are in the universe. Also, while there are a number of asset managers investing in India a lot many managers are looking to deploy their own skills in getting on board one of the most exciting investment market.

However, investing in India is not the easiest for the uninitiated. Just like any other market, India has its own local rules and regulations and an investor in India has to deal with laws relating to FDI, Exchange Control, SEBI, Stock Exchanges, taxation, local brokers and market practices amongst others – sometimes enough to put off a potential asset manager.

Our specialisation in India allows us to offer access to Indian markets to global investors and managers. We offer options ranging from offering an exclusive silo under our current regulated funds to assisting direct registration as a Foreign Portfolio Investor (FPI). We can hand hold during the entire process of registration and the ongoing compliance.

We can assist managers in setting up their fund using appropriate legal form, introduce them to the intermediaries like bankers, custodians, administrators, lawyers etc. We could assist select managers in raising money for their funds as well, should their strategy fit with our investor base.

This is not all, managers often tap into our knowledge and experience to enhance their investment strategies. If you want to invest into India and need a hand, it will help to get in touch with us.
